Monday, 30 March 2009

Spring Dynamic Modules - Integration Testing

While installing Simple Service demo, I realised that some of the dependencies are missing from POM. Add the following dependencies in POM.xml under simple-service-integration-test folder and it should work fine. Happy OSGIng!!

Cheers !!

Sunday, 22 March 2009

RIA - Flex with BlazeDS and Spring Integration

1. Create a new Flex Project with following selections :
Project name: HelloWorld
Application server type: J2EE
Select 'Use remote object access service with LiveCycle data Service'
Select 'Create combined Java/Flex project using WTP'
On Next screen -> Select the appropriate Target runtime.
Flex WAR File - point to blazeds.war file.
On Next screen -> select serverport as configured on your system.
Click, Finish.

2. Under src folder, create a new java class 'HelloWorld' with method signature as follows :
public String sayHello(String name)

3. Declare the spring dispatcher servlet in web.xml file as shown in following fig. All the spring beans will be defined in file 'web-application-config.xml'.

4. Create spring configuration file (helloworldservlet.xml) under WEB-INF folder. Do not declare any spring beans in this file.

5. Create web-application-config.xml under WEB-INF/config directory. Declare the HelloWorld bean and expose it as mentioned below.

6. Add the necessary libraries in lib folder in WEB-INF .

7. Add the default channel in service-config.xml file. This is very important. Enable the channels by providing server name, port name and content root.

8. Add the following code to HelloWorld.mxml file between mx:Application elements.

9. Start the server. Ensure that application is deployed properly.

10. Run the HelloWorld.html file under bin-debug by right click -> Run as -> Run On server by selecting proper server.

11. Enter your name and click the Submit button. Application should respond with Greetings to you !

Hope this helps you !